Nelson Haven is home to Port Nelson and the Nelson Marina, described as one of the most sheltered in the country because of its protection from sea surges by the boulder bank.
The 580-berth marina is owned and operated by the local authority, the Nelson City Council, which has been gradually developing the number and scale of berths, and onshore marina related infrastructure over the past several years.
Boating and shipping businesses, including yacht maintenance and repair yards, which offer haul-out facilities, surround the marina.
Nelson Marina is also within five minutes walk of central city shopping, supermarkets, cafes, galleries and cinemas. The airport is a short taxi ride away.
Nelson Marina has berths for boats up to 25m, but most berths range from 10-15m.
Port Nelson has a superyacht berth for larger vessels.
The council welcomes visiting yachts, and has set aside specific visitor berths, but space can be tight during summer.
On-shore toilet, shower, and laundry facilities are available. Power supply and safe drinking water is provided at every berth.
Marina Contact Information
Contact: Marina Supervisor
Phone: 03 546 7768
Mobile: All calls to the landline get re-directed to a duty mobile
Fax: 03 546 7940
Email: admin@nelsonmarina.co.nz