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The latest handicap is displayed in the results of each series.

Handicapping Method

TBCC uses the RYA NHC system for calculating w handicaps based on yacht performance over time.

Other handicapping systems

TBCC occasionally makes use of RaceTrack for mixed fleet events – such as the annual Regatta – as there are no TBCC results and handicapping for out of town boats. This is used as a yardstick to allow us to set comparative handicaps.

The reason the Club doesn’t use this universally is that RaceTrack averages every single race the boat has participated in since it was built – even if it changes names. A series of good or bad performances doesn’t really affect the RaceTrack rating as it’s averaging such a large number of races. It’s very slow to respond. RaceTrack also doesn’t take into account different types of races or conditions. The Club maintains several different handicaps for each boat – winter, offshore, short handed, Wednesday night etc – which take into account the differing conditions and types of race. No one single handicap can accurately reflect all of these requirements.

PHRF (Yachting NZ)
The Club has from time to time made use of PHRF – which is a quasi measured rating set by Yachting New Zealand. This is set annually and is based on sail measurements as well as performance. The Club encourages skippers to apply for a PHRF rating as this is a good indicator of performance over a season. So few of the Club’s fleet have a rating which is why results are not currently published. However with significant numbers – say 10-12 in a fleet – we would return to publishing them.

Minimum handicaps for division splits
Wednesday night racing in 2024/2025 will have the following minimum handicaps :

Div 1 – above .700

Div 2 – below .700

If you wish to change divisions please apply in writing to the Racing Committee.

Boats that sail consistently at levels more suited to another division will be moved accordingly.

If a boat’s handicap drops below the minimum during a series it will be allowed to do so but will be adjusted back up to the minimum entry point at the start of the next series.

How are handicaps derived for new boats?
If the boat is a standard class ie Young88, Farr1020 etc, then a mid fleet RaceTrack rating is usually given. If it’s not of a standard class, or has little racing history, it will be assigned a similar handicap to the nearest type of boat in the Club’s fleet. In both cases progress is monitored and adjusted if necessary.

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